Research news
- Carlstrom EL, Niazi A, Etemadikhah M, Halvardson J, Enroth S, Stockmeier C.A., Rajkowska G., Nilsson B, Feuk L (2021) Transcriptome analysis of post-mortem brain tissue reveals up-regulation of the complement cascade in a subgroup of schizophrenia patients. Genes. 12:1242
- Grenn, E., Kutcher, M., Hillegass, W.B., Iwuchukwu, C., Kyle, A., Bruehl, S., Goodin, B., Myers, H., Rao, U., Nag, S., Kinney, K., Dickens, H., & Morris, M.C., (in press). "Social Determinants of Trauma Care: Associations of Race, Insurance Status, and Place on Opioid Prescriptions, Post-Discharge Referrals, and Mortality." Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.
- Jarmolowicz DP, Greer BD, Killeen PR, Huskinson S.L. (2021) Applied quantitative analysis of behavior: What it is, and why we care—Introduction to the Special Section. Perspectives on Behavior Science in press
- Kinney, K.L., Rao, U. Bailey, B., Hellman, N., Kelly, C., McAfee, N.W., & Morris, M.C. (in press). "Dynamics of diurnal cortisol and alpha-amylase secretion and their associations with PTSD onset in recent interpersonal violence survivors. Psychological Medicine.
- Lannon, E., Sanchez-Saez, F., Bailey, B., Hellman, N., Kinney, K., Williams, A., Nag, S., Kutcher, M.E., Goodin, B.R., Rao, U., & Morris, M.C. (2021). "Predicting pain among female survivors of recent interpersonal violence: A proof-of-concept machine-learning approach. PloS one, 16, e025527.
- Miguel-Hidalgo, J.J., Pang, Y. (2021) Myelination. In "Neuroscience in the 21st century." John Rubenstein, Nora Volkow and Donald Pfaff, editors. Springer, Singapore. TEXTBOOK CHAPTER (latest edition, in press).
- Miguel-Hidalgo, J.J. (2021) Astroglia in the vulnerability to and maintenance of alcohol use disorders. In Astrocytes in Psychiatric disorders. Li, Parpura, Verkhratsky and Scuderi, editors. Springer, New York. BOOK CHAPTER (in press).
- Miguel-Hidalgo, J.J., Pang, Y. (2021) Role of neuroinflammation in the establishment of the neurogenic microenvironment in brain diseases. Current Tissue Microenvironment Report. 2:17-28. ARTICLE.
- Morris, M.C., Bruehl, S., Stone, A.L., Garber, J., Smith, C., Palermo, T.M., & Walker, L. (in press). "Place and Pain: Association between neighborhood SES and quantitative sensory testing responses in youth with functional abdominal pain." Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
- Zamarripa CA, Doyle WS, Freeman K.B., Rowlett J.K., Huskinson S.L. (2021) Choice between food and cocaine reinforcers under fixed and variable schedules in female and male rhesus monkeys. Exp Clin Psychopharm in press
NIH Grant Reviewers:
- Matthew C. Morris, PhD, Reviewer - 'Mechanisms of Emotion, Stress and Health Study Section', Special Emphasis Panel (ZRG1 BBBP-T), National Institutes of Health, December 3, 2021.
- Craig Stockmeier: National Institutes of Health/NIAAA Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group (October 25, 2021) 2022/01 AA-2 11
- Javier Miguel-Hidalgo: NIH Study Section Cellular and Molecular Biology of Glia (CMBG) October 2021
- Eric Vallender: National Institutes of Health, Office of the Director, STOD Scientific and Technical Review Board on Biomedical and Behavioral Research Facilities
- Eric Vallender: National Institutes of Health, National Human Genome Research Institute, ZHG1 HGR-M (J2) Special Emphasis Panel
Grants Received:
- Eric Vallender: Subcontract PI on U42 OD024282 “Tulane National Primate Research Center, AIDS SPF Breeding Colony Maintenance”
- Eric Vallender: PI on R21 OD030072 “Host genetic variation effects on the microbiome in rhesus macaques”
- Kevin Freeman: PI on renewal of R01 DA039167 “Deterrents for prescription opioid abuse”